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Updating Theme

Occationally we provide updates which includes new features and bugfixes. Updating WordPress theme is standard WordPress functionality.

Before Updating Theme:

** Before updating please make sure to keep a backup of your installed theme and plugins (eg. Yale Toolkit) to be on safe side.

You can use this plugin to keep the backup: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-theme-plugin-download/

There are few ways to update WordPress theme. You can follow any of the methods described below:

Method 1: Automatic Update by Using Envato Market Plugin

  1. Install and activate the “Envato Market” plugin manually. Here’s the plugin zip file: http://envato.github.io/wp-envato-market/dist/envato-market.zip
  2. From WordPress Admin Panel, navigate to “Envato Market” menu.
  3. In this page, you’ll find a field for inserting Envato Token. Insert your Envato Token Code from there. You can generate this code from this link: https://build.envato.com/create-token/?purchase:download=t&purchase:verify=t&purchase:list=t.
    Remember, while generating the token, you have to login using the same envato id which you used to purchase theme.
  4. After completed the above steps successfully, Navigate to Appearance -> Themes. Here you’ll see an “Update now” link beside your theme. Click on that link and your theme will be updated automatically.

Method 2: By Uploading zip File

  1. From WordPress Admin Panel, Navigate to Appearance -> Themes.
  2. Activate any other theme (eg. Twenty Seventeen) than the current one.
  3. Delete Yale Theme.
  4. Now you have to upload the updated theme zip file. To do this, Navigate to Appearance -> Themes -> Add New -> Upload. Go to browse, and select the zipped theme folder. Hit “Install Now” and the theme will be uploaded and installed.

Method 3: By FTP

  1. Using your FTP client, navigate to “/wp-content/themes/” folder on your server and delete the “Yale” folder from there.
  2. Now upload the latest non-zipped theme folder into that “/wp-content/themes/” folder .

After Updating Theme:

** After updating the theme please update all plugins which come with the theme.

  • To update plugins that file provided by theme please try to deleting the old plugins and then install the updated plugins from Appearance > Install Plugins.
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